Tireless IT Support
Exactly When You Need It

Indium Holdings provide SMEs and entrepreneurs with the IT support and services needed to ensure they can scale and grow. We're tireless in our efforts and hyper-focused on creating the perfect systems and processes to support you in your business. Our goal is to create ease and flow in every aspect of your company, bolstering organisational resiliency and scalability.

How Do We work?

Our process is all about you. What do you do in your business, how do you do it, what are your goals, and what are you currently doing to work towards them?

While these are all common questions business owners and management teams ask regularly, we look at them through the progressive lens of highly skilled tech experts. Often, there are many ways your business could be running more smoothly if you had suitable systems and processes in place. Unfortunately, you're unaware of these technical solutions and would never think to create or implement them. We're here to act as the technical brains of your business. We hone in on your technological vulnerabilities and address them through expert insight and support.


Our Philosophy

As an organisation, Indium Holdings strongly believes in two core concepts: privacy and accountability. The digital age has made everything incredibly connected. As a result, the world is more accessible to us through the internet, whether on a professional or personal level. But while technical advantages have revolutionised our lives and work, they have also made us vulnerable. Never before has it been so easy to gain people's personal details, financial data, information on their work, and even find their current location in real-time.

As business owners, we are the data guardians for all our customers and clients. We strive to ensure that every bit of data in our care is kept safe and sound. We're also on a mission to ensure that the businesses we support are just as capable of ensuring the privacy of their customers. Data security is not only something we, as business owners, are legally responsible for; it's also a matter of social accountability.

We are all striving for business success. However, to thrive and grow, your business needs a positive reputation, and nothing undermines credibility and trust in your organisation as rapidly as a security breach.

So, while we're always on hand to help create the perfect systems throughout your business, if cybersecurity is a top concern for you, then you're in the right place; it's our priority.

Get in touch to learn more about our services and how they can help you in your business. We're happy to discuss your needs and create a bespoke plan.